Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rough on Rats Review!

Rising from the ashes of too many dead valley bands to count, Rough on Rats has what it takes to maybe stick around a while. Bryson, Krust, Whit and Baby Keith, somehow fuse together to make a catchy, yet hard hitting (and completely drunk sing along worthy) mix of typical power chord punk with drunk sincerity soaked lyrics.

You know that moment in every set, regardless of the band, where you thrust your drink into the air spilling beer down your arm, screaming lyrics until your voice gives out? Yea, that’s RoR’s , The April O’Neil tapes. As much as I’d hate to admit it, these are the songs that get stuck in your head all day. These are the songs that you’re sure were written about that shitty day you just had, that bitch you just broke up with, or that dirty scab who tried to tell you how to do your job. There’s no filter here. This stuff is legit. No gimmicks, no bullshit. Just raw, pissed off emotion that anyone can relate to.

Yea, the album’s good. But please, come see these assholes live. So much energy goes into every single set, and you’re missing it. At the risk of sounding cliché, it’s your loss, not theirs. These boys will drink hard enough, play loud enough, and fuck up enough shit that you’d think they were playing for 4,000 people as opposed to the fifty or so that crammed into the graffiti filled basement. Then after they get good and sweaty putting on the best damn set you’ve ever seen, they’re more than happy to hang out, drink a beer and threaten to show you their asshole if you don’t name your kid after them.

Listen, all I’m trying to say is that Rough on Rats is awesome music, from awesome dudes and you’d have to be an idiot not to check it out.

Only scabs don’t click links.

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